
Company News Announcements

Abide by the safety production law, be the first responsible person
Time:2022-07-05      Views:358     

Abide by the safety production law, be the first responsible person


June this year is the 21st national "Work Safety Month", whose theme is "Abide by the work safety Law, be the first responsible person". June 16th is National Safety Consultation Publicity Day. In order to further publicize and implement the important instructions and decisions of The State Council Safety Committee, provincial, municipal and emergency management departments at all levels on Work safety Month series and combined with the group's work safety requirements, Xihe focused on the theme of 2022 Work Safety Month "abide by the Work Safety Law, be the first responsible person" to organize a series of work safety month activities.

Through visual publicity, "Talk about Production Safety" theme publicity activities, learning Life is more important than Taishan TV feature film, front-line workers interaction about safety, Xihe staff studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping important discussion on production safety. What's more, Xihe actively carried out publicity activities around the theme of the Work Safety Law; organized emergency rescue drills and knowledge and skill training for all personnel; publicized and implemented the Work Safety Law. Also, by organizing special exhibitions of work safety warning and education films, organizing work safety inspections, and setting up red and black lists of safe behaviors, the work safety 10,000 miles travel activities were carried out.

During the Safety Month, the company deepened safety education through various activities combined with the theme of abide by the safety production Law, be the first responsible person, so that safety awareness is deeply buried in the hearts of employees. Safety Month has ended, but the theme of safety is eternal, we should continue to pay attention to safety.


July 5th 2022

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